Show and Tell: Make your own cleaner on-demand with the O3 Waterworks Sanitizing Spray Bottle

By Peter Salib Peter Salib has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team
Published on January 8, 2021

**This article about the O3 Waterworks Sanitizing Spray Bottle is co-authored by Hannah Buczek of Bold TV.

Welcome back to Show and Tell, where I unbox sweet tech for every area of your life. In this episode, we feature the O3 Waterworks Sanitizing Spray Bottle. You probably know that most detergents, wipes, sanitizers, and disinfectants contain harmful chemicals — especially since we are using so much of them. Many of us try to buy products with natural ingredients, but they can be more expensive. So let’s look into a natural and easily replenishable cleaning innovation. 

Create your own sanitizer with only water

With the O3 Waterworks Sanitizing Spray Bottle, you create your own sanitizer on demand. No more wasting hundreds of dollars on harsh cleaning products that can irritate skin and be harmful to pets. With this device, you just add water and let the tech turn it into cleaner for you. It uses diamond electrolytic cell technology to create Aqueous Ozone. Ozone is composed of O3, or three oxygen atoms, which releases an oxygen ion to react with organic contaminants. When you dissolve it in water, it works on contact, leaving only pure water and sanitized surfaces. Chemical cleaning products typically take a few minutes to kill germs. But the sanitizing spray bottle takes 30 seconds to kill 99.9% of bacteria and pathogens. The best part is that it lasts for at least 600 fills. 

Safe and tested technology

You may wonder where this technology has been all your life. Ozone has been purifying water for around 100 years and it’s recognized by the EPA and FDA. So, you can use this technology around your children, pets and food. But O3 Waterworks didn’t stop at a spray bottle. They also make a laundry system that adds aqueous ozone directly into your dirty load of laundry, cleaning it without detergent! If you want to step up your cleaning game without harming your body, this technology is for you.

I will be back soon to unbox more tech, but until then, check out previous videos here.

By Peter Salib Peter Salib has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

Peter Salib is a Tech Columnist at Grit Daily. Based in New Jersey, he is an avid participant of events nationwide who's attended CES in Las Vegas consecutively since 2013. Peter is the host and producer of Show & Tell, a product showcase YouTube channel and also works at Gadget Flow, a leading product discovery platform reaching 31M consumers every month. Peter frequently works with startups on media, content writing, events, and sales. His dog, Scruffy, was a guest product model on the Today Show with Kathy Lee & Hoda in 2018 and was dubbed "Scruffy the Wonder Dog.”

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