The 8 Best Barber Scissors of 2022

By Cory Maki Cory Maki has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team
Published on May 21, 2021

The most important tool when it comes to cutting hair is a great pair of barber scissors. Their importance remains regardless of whether you are trimming your own hair, the hair of someone else, or that of a pet. Since they are such an important part of the process, making sure you have a good pair is imperative.

If you’re in a hurry, here are our top 3 quick picks for the Best Barber Scissors of 2022

Criteria for Choosing the Best Barber Scissors

The first thing to understand is that most people are not looking for the most expensive scissors, especially if they plan on using them at home. Therefore, instead of looking at and choosing top-of-the-line scissors, the best reasonably-priced barber scissors available were chosen. These are the things that were considered when selecting them:

  • Material: The material used to make them was the first thing that was considered since it impacts both durability and sharpness. The harder the material, the more durable the product will be. The hardness will also impact how easily the scissors hold their edge. Thus, materials like stainless steel were given priority.
  • Sharpness: Not every pair of scissors needs to be the sharpest pair on the market. However, there is a need for enough sharpness to allow an easy cut since you do not want your scissors to pull or fail to get a clean cut. Because of this, only scissors with decent sharpness were chosen.
  • Comfort: The design and comfort of a pair of barber scissors are vital, especially for those who plan to use them a lot. Comfort includes the overall design, the finger holes, finger rest, and tension. All of these things can impact how easy they are to use for long periods of time.

These scissors were not chosen to last forever. As mentioned above, they are mainly barber scissors that can be used at home. But, their quality was heavily scrutinized, so they can be used professionally as well. The main difference will be the longevity of these scissors, as none of them are meant to last as long as a high-end pair.

The 8 of Best Barber Scissors of 2022

If you are looking for a pair of barber scissors, it will not be hard to find them. There is an enormous number of barber scissors out there, and many of them are worth getting. However, if you want to skip the search and see some of the best options out there, then take a look at the list below.

Fengliren Professional Barber Scissors

The first pair of barber scissors on this list are made by Fengliren, and they are a great example of a finely crafted product. They start off with high-quality material, with the scissors being made with stainless steel alloy to be both durable and lightweight. They are also incredibly hard and sharp, so the edge will last for a long time.

Another feature of this pair of barber scissors is the special bearing used, which prevents the screw from getting too tight or loose, making sure you have a great cut experience for the lifetime of the scissors. Even the handle is thought out, with the holes and overall design fashioned to be ergonomic and easy to use.

  • They are made using high-quality stainless steel alloy
  • The edge is extremely sharp and does not dull easily
  • A double-point shrapnel bearing is used for the screw
  • The handle is ergonomic for comfort and grip
  • They come already oiled and ready to go

  • Some people find the finger holes to be small

Equinox Professional Razor Edge Hair Cutting Scissors

Another great pair of 6.5-inch barber scissors are the scissors featured here made by Equinox. These scissors are known to be top of the line, and they have been receiving rave reviews for years, and for good reason. To start with, they are made with stainless steel, meaning they will last a long time, even when they are being used constantly.

Another reason these scissors are so popular is their design. Not only are they aesthetically pleasing, but the design is ergonomic, making them great for use over long periods. Moreover, the curved finger rest and comfortable hole allow the user to get both comfort and control. You can even adjust the tightness using the tension screw.

  • You can expect them to last a long time
  • They have amazing reviews that span years of use
  • The ergonomic design delivers control and comfort
  • The fine-adjustment tension screw gives you more control

  • They do not work well for left-handed individuals

Facón Professional Razor Edge Barber Hair Cutting Scissors

Another spectacular set of barber scissors are the Facón scissors featured here. They are fantastic, combining a sleek look with all the features you want to see out of a pair of barber scissors, starting with an incredibly sharp blade edge. Of course, it is to be expected since they are made with high-quality Japanese stainless steel.

This 6.5-inch pair of scissors is also made for control and comfort, keeping ergonomics in mind. There are even comfortable finger inserts to make them even easier to use for long periods of time. Plus, since you can adjust the tension with the fine-adjustment tension screw, you can rest assured that they will be just how you like them.

  • The high-quality stainless steel gives them a long lifetime
  • They have a sharp edge that will last
  • It is easy to adjust the tension of the scissors
  • They come with comfortable finger inserts
  • They are not quite as sharp as some similar products

TECTO Hair Cutting Scissors

These Tecto scissors are designed to make cutting easier, starting with the fact that they are designed to require less thumb motion to open and close, which improves comfort. They are also equipped with a soft rubber inner ring in the finger holes, so you get added comfort and will be able to use them long-term without tiring.

These barber scissors are made with stainless steel as well, so you can rest assured that they are durable. Moreover, because of the material and exterior of the scissors, they are resistant to rust. They also hold their edge well, allowing you to use them for a long time without having to worry about sharpening them.

  • The design makes it easy to use them for long periods
  • The finger holes have comfortable soft rubber rings
  • They are made using high-quality materials
  • The quality you get for the price is outstanding

  • There have been some complaints about their sharpness
  • Adjusting the tension is not possible due to the fixed screw

ROUGH STACHE Professional Hair Scissors

ROUGH STACHE makes a great pair of versatile barber scissors that can cut any type of hair with ease. While this pair of scissors is targeted towards mustaches, the sharp edge and overall design make it great for any sort of hair cutting. The ability to adjust the tension just makes them even better, no matter what level of tension you prefer.

These scissors are also lightweight and durable, mainly due to the fact that they are 100% stainless steel. You will also find them resistant to things such as rust and damage from chemical hair products. Plus, everything about these scissors is made to be comfortable and easy to use, meaning you will be able to use them for a long time.

  • The stainless steel makes them durable and lightweight
  • You can easily adjust the tension
  • They have a very sharp edge
  • The design is ergonomic and comfortable

  • They are not as good for fine hair
  • The blade length can make detailed work a bit difficult

Parigal – Hair Cutting Scissors

If you are looking for a great pair of barber scissors for a great price, then you will not find many better options than these scissors by Parigal. They are not only sharp and made of high-quality Japanese stainless steel, but they have an elegant look that will not disappoint. Stylish, durable, and long-lasting describes these scissors in a nutshell.

These scissors also pride themselves on comfort, including finger inserts and a removable finger rest that allows you to customize your experience. There is also an adjustable screw and tension plate that gives you a choice between tight and loose scissors. You will have no problem achieving a comfortable feel with these scissors.

  • They use Japanese stainless steel
  • The edge is razor-sharp and will last
  • You can adjust the tension as needed
  • There are finger inserts and a finger rest
  • They are aesthetically pleasing

  • The blade length is a bit short

5.5″ Bossman Professional Barber Scissors

Bossman is a well-known brand when it comes to beards and mustaches. Their barber scissors are also targeted at those niches, but they are actually great for any sort of cutting. One of the reasons they are so effective is that they are made with 100% stainless steel, though their careful sharpening plays a vital role in their effectiveness.

The entire length of these scissors is 5.5 inches, so they are on the smaller side. However, not only have they been designed to be ergonomic and comfortable, but their size allows them to take on more detailed tasks, such as dealing with beards and mustaches, with ease. Plus, the design helps relax the wrist and prevents exhaustion.

  • They are sharp and do not dull easily
  • High-quality materials were used in their construction
  • The length makes them great for detailed work
  • They have an ergonomic, comfortable design

  • The blade length is rather short
  • The finger rest can be a bit invasive

ULG 6.5-inch Hairdressing Scissors

The final pair of barber scissors on this list is from ULG, and they are reasonably priced and work incredibly well. They are made with stainless steel, so they are durable, and they have sharp blades that cut hair with ease. These scissors have even been polished to have a mirror finish, so they look nice and sleek.

You also get a nice design with these scissors. They are 6.5 inches long with a blade length of 2.5 inches. They also have an off-set grip, which means the thumb handle is shorter than the finger handle, which helps with comfort. There is even a set of comfortable rubber finger inserts and a finger rest to further improve comfort

  • They are made with high-quality stainless steel
  • You get a sleek mirror finish
  • The off-set grip helps with comfort
  • Rubber finger inserts are included

  • They are not the sharpest scissors, but they cut well
  • They might not last as long as more expensive scissors

How to Shop for a Best Barber Scissors

If you are looking to buy barber scissors, then there are a few things you need to consider. After all, there are all kinds of scissors out there, and the type you need and how much you invest will largely depend on what you plan on doing with them. Therefore, consider these things when buying barber scissors:

  • Amount of Use: If you only plan on using the scissors every now and then or to do light trimming, then you can choose a less expensive pair. However, if you plan on cutting hair regularly, you will want to make sure you buy a pair that will hold its edge for a longer time.
  • Length: The length of the scissors is important because it impacts what all you can do with them. A longer pair of scissors will be great for cutting hair, but it might not be great for detailed beard and mustache work. If you are trimming a child’s hair or a pet’s hair, you might also want a smaller pair of scissors.
  • Comfort: When you are looking at barber scissors, you should make sure to find a pair that will be comfortable. No matter how often you plan on using them, if they are uncomfortable, then they are not worth purchasing. Therefore, keep the finger holes and overall design in mind.

There are a lot of things to consider, but what pair of barber scissors is best for you will depend on how you plan on using them. If you are going to be cutting hair often or professionally, then you want a pair that will last and hold a sharp edge for the long term. However, for occasional use, you can afford to get an inexpensive pair.

In Conclusion 

There are a lot of options when it comes to barber scissors, but the basic requirements remain the same. They need to be made out of high-quality materials, they should be comfortable, and the blades should be razor-sharp. Fortunately, there are plenty of pairs that fit those requirements on this list, so there is no need for you to look any further.

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We hope you enjoy these products! But keep in mind, Grit Daily might take a small commission on the items recommended here—but that doesn’t mean we don’t believe in them. We only recommend products that we would buy or use ourselves, so don’t be wary of our suggestions. 

By Cory Maki Cory Maki has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

Cory Maki is a Staff Editor and the Business Development Manager at Grit Daily. Email [email protected](dot)com for PR pitches, advertising, and sponsored post inquiries.

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