Struggling With Productivity? Here Are Some Ways to Keep Working When You Just Don’t Feel Like It

Published on April 3, 2020

It seems like many of us are struggling with productivity, even though in theory we all have more time on our hands than usual. It really makes sense. Even if you’re usually the type that’s always on the go and ultra-productive, now everything is grinding to a screeching halt. The major change in lifestyle is bound to mess with productivity. Not to mention the stress. Here’s how to fix that.

Location, Location, Location

Find a good spot in the house that’s just for work. It’s much easier for the brain to adjust to a working mindset if you’re not still in bed half asleep. It sucks, I know, but it really does help to get up and move to a desk or a table where it feels more like time to think than time to relax. Your work space doesn’t even need to be that official. It can be on the floor with your laptop on the coffee table, it just needs to be designated for work.

Look the Part?

Some people say put real pants on, and look, this might help some people but I refuse to even try it so I can’t recommend this. Comfy is best right now. I work in sweatpants and only sweatpants and as it turns out, my legwear does not seem to influence my productivity that much. I’m wearing these super comfy ones ($13.99 – $21.99 on Amazon) right now.

The Schedule

To keep your brain in work mode, try to stay on your normal eating schedule. Make sure you’re taking breaks for snacks or lunch or whatever you normally do. Also, keep water by wherever you’re working.

Even if you’re not getting anything done and really struggling with productivity, try to stay sitting in front of the computer for a little while longer. At least for me, the second I get up and start vacuuming the living room, it’s all over. Sometimes, however, if I give it a few more minutes, all of a sudden things just start getting done.

Avoid Social Media

Keep social media to a minimum. It’s an obvious distraction that’s addictively hard to avoid. The Tiger King memes can wait. Scrolling through your feed is also an excellent thing to reward yourself with at break time after you’ve gotten a little work done.

It’s The Little Things

Check out some work from home necessities that might make things run a little more smoothly in your workday routine. Sometimes the right pair of headphones or a new planner can be the push you need to get back into the right mindset for getting things done.

It’s Not The End of The World

Most importantly, don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s a crazy world we’re living in. If you accidentally don’t get enough work done one day and bake cookies instead, it’s okay. Kids and dogs and phone calls from worried loved ones can pretty easily derail things, and that’s just life. Close the computer and put on a show, and try again tomorrow.

Olivia Smith is a Staff Writer at Grit Daily. Based in San Francisco, she covers events, entertainment, fashion, and technology. She also serves as a Voices contributor at PopSugar.

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